
Welcome to you, interested in ARVCs which represents a wide spectrum of diseases poorly recognised diagnosed and treated.
This is related to the complexity of this new category of cardiomyopathies in which some have been known under a different name.
Nowadays, I think it is timely to put them in the same basket under the name of "ARVCs" to concentrate the expertise of many investigators interested in only one aspect of these diseases which have more or less some features in common the first being that they are involving the Right Ventricle !

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Monday, May 9, 2011

27 weeks old Fetus Histology

The native form of ARVD

There is more preserved tissue on the endocardial layers. However, there is also more fibrosis than in the mediomural layers. Also note more fibrosis around distal coronary vessels

This specimen shows the presence of thin layers 
of interstitial fibrosis.Also note that Fibrosis is more severe around distal coronary vessel.
On this specimen there is no major increase in the wall of the vessel displayed on the lower right of the figure.

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