
Welcome to you, interested in ARVCs which represents a wide spectrum of diseases poorly recognised diagnosed and treated.
This is related to the complexity of this new category of cardiomyopathies in which some have been known under a different name.
Nowadays, I think it is timely to put them in the same basket under the name of "ARVCs" to concentrate the expertise of many investigators interested in only one aspect of these diseases which have more or less some features in common the first being that they are involving the Right Ventricle !

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Sunday, May 1, 2011


This modified figure of native ARVD has been published in the EHJ Volume 32 Issue 9 of May 2011
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  1. It should be interesting to know if the area of adipocytes is located in the mediomural layers ?

  2. It should be also interesting to know presence of small vesel disease in RV as well as LV and the structure of the media with special respect on the orientation of leyomyocytes ?

  3. I think that the two previous comments are really outstanding

  4. It is rare to have such a discussion from a cardiologist !

  5. I would like to meet this individual for undepth discussion on the small vessel disease in ARVD

  6. I heard several time from Dr Fontaine that this aspect is also observed in typical HCM.
    I would like to know if there is any molecular biology explanation for this phenomenon which represent another aspect of the common final pathways of cardiomyopathies and to have the opinion of Jeff Towbin !

  7. I have seen an abstract dealing with this subject but I am not aware of any published paper !
